
We know the secret of your success

Web Development Application


The great visionaries are the ones that will harness the Internet’s full potential and establish leadership positions early in game. Whatever your aspiration, we at Integrity Solutions hold the key that will unlock the door to your future. Integrity Solutions understands the need of its client in their view and develops an uncomplicated e-commerce application to suit the fast growing business and extending customer market. We utilize the latest technologies to deliver a wide variety of e-commerce solutions.

E-commerce involves the buying and selling of products or services using an electronic payment processor. It can be either a business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C) transaction.

We can help develop successful E-Commerce applications for your business which will provide 24X7 customer support, allowing customers to order products, check orders and track delivery, review previous orders, reorder products, and manage customer accounts; The system can also Provide for multi-lingual and multi-currency access to your products. All these finally help in reducing your promotional and advertising costs.

We Offer you the following services through our associate banks :

Your website name on your customer's card statement

Only one integration on your website required for Credit Cards, ATM-cum-Debit Cards, Direct Bank Debits, Cash Cards and Mobile Payments.

No additional risk management costs per transaction and No chargeback representation fees.

Free - Industry's leading Risk Management tools which are mapped with the most comprehensive negative database of thousands of internet merchants.

No PCI DSS 1.1 compliance or Verisign SSL certificate required on your website.

Many more customized reports as required by the client, Integration with CRM.